Folks Press Magazine
Folks you know, folks you don't know
Art VanDal

Art VanDal is the product of the rumored union of an itinerant juggler known as “Cosmo the Quick” and jaded highway-heiress Lucette VanDal, of the Gresham VanDals. Abandoned as a babe on Ross Island, VanDal was suckled through infancy by a kindly she-otter, and later discovered by a crew of Dragon Boat Racers.

His unusual beginnings have lent a particular 4th dimensional “je ne sais n'importe quoi” to his writings, as well as fostered a facility in marine mammal languages. He is currently the at-large Jean-Baptiste Sans Souci Professor of Cameotics, of which is he is the sole living (or dead) practitioner.

VanDal has also written several pioneering books and articles, including the underground best-seller, "To Beat or Not To Beat: Bards, Buskers, and Buccaneers," co-authored with pop-geologist Inga Schonberg.


New Neon America
Banking On The Busker
Save the Hippies