Folks Press Magazine
Folks you know, folks you don't know
James Yeary
artist - writer

James is a member of the collective-run reading series Spare Room, and collaborative inquiry stratagem 13 Hats. He has published a number of other authors in the form of newsletters, chapbooks, and greeting cards under the publishing imprint c_L. His forrays into performance art include the role of Estragon in a Beckett-estate sanctioned production of Waiting for Godot, as well as many other events in, around, and beyond Portland.

"The bulk of of my published writing has been in the form of the MY DAY zine series, which are collaborations with Nate Orton. A chapbook is forthcoming from the legendary Hank's Original Loose Gravel Press. Another has recently been issued by Inkhorn, out of Ann Arbor. More poetry can be found in the pages of Peaches & Bats, SHIFTER, With + Stand, Mrs. Maybe, swap/concessions, and on-line at Pocket Notes."

His visualization of Jackson Mac Low's Words nd Ends from Ez is on display at galleryHOMELAND's Reading.Writing, curated by Research Club and Lisa Radon.

The Interview Project
James Yeary: Drinking Vinegar in the Chalice of Valor
James explains the whys and what-fors of that poem