Noah Mickens is a theatrical director, circus ringmaster, scrap metal percussionist, compere, event producer, songwriter, hype machine, and bon vivant. Once labelled "the impresario of the underground", he has founded and performed in such diverse performing troupes as Wanderlust Circus (with Nick the Creature), Bogville (with NagaSita), Societas Insomnia (with David Heifetz), The 999 Eyes of Endless Dream (with Dylan McPuke and Samantha X), and Nequaquam Vacuum (with Tyler Armstrong and Travis McAlister); as well as such one-shot productions as A Midsummer Night's Dream (a butoh adaptation, with Mizu Desierto), Day of the Zombie (a rock opera, with Zombie Dan Abbott), and Queen of Knives (an opera, with Eric Stern). As a musician, Mickens has focused on singing and on the creation of improvised music using found objects, most particularly scrap metal. These days he mostly sings bohemian swing with The Wanderlust Circus Orchestra. In addition to his own ensemble, Nequaquam Vacuum , some of the groups he's played with include Soriah, Pretty Art Narcotic, The Steve MacKay Ensemble, Vagabond Opera, 3 Leg Torso, Danse Perdue, Z'EV, Implied Violence, Sikhara, Stolen Sweets, The Shanghai Woolies, The Hop-Frog Kollectif, Moe! Staiano's Moe!kestra!, The Shanghai Woolies, and Damo Suzuki's Network. Beginning with the independently-produced 36 Invisibles series at The Jasmine Tree tiki lounge; his curatorial and organizational Work has included serving as a member of the 2Gyrlz Performative Arts and The EnterActive Language Festival boards of directors; a U.S. node of the international Radon collective; creative director of Someday Lounge during its early period (and before); and in-house booker for Rotture, Branx, and The Hippodrome. He is known to the marathon running world as the Brooks Ringmaster; and has also MC'd for The Bite of Oregon, The Rose Festival, Miss Kennedy's Cabaret; and private parties for Nike, Weiden & Kennedy, Intel, the Cascade AIDS Project, Willamette Week, and all the usual Portland suspects. That's him in the top hat in that Dream of the 90s video. He'll take you off like a Saturday.