Ron Rutter "Ronno" is a singer-songwriter who lives in Oregon, he writes songs that are Typewriter Driven — Rollin' Rag Rescues & Slow Shoe Shuffles... all original compositions with the great craft of "theft"… waves of inspiration sometimes referred to as "crime waves" but always with the realization that you must wear a disguise to protect the innocent. He also is dipping into the vision well to produce drawings, paintings and video.
Ronno's "dizzynest songs" have been heard in and around the city of Portland Oregon in various configurations: "Un-Heard Crossing" with Sha Montana , "Dizzynest Stringband" with Thia & Neil Gilpin & Bernie Keough, "Two Tone Brothers" with Clarence Goodman, and now "Dizzynest" with Doug "Fender-bender" Kelly on Resonator and Rhythm, Daniyel "Pepper Grinder" Hicks on Suitcase Bass & DJ "Mountain" Top on Ukulele & Snarestuff.