The Folks Press almanac is a compendium of the people and things, language and concepts, objects and curiosities, images and illustrations, philosophies and taxonomies, mysteries and demystification, florilegium and marginalia, stories and fables and myths, that we have unearthed, stumbled upon, or just plain made up along the way, like kids with their crayons. Feel free to read through the almanac or to click on the links.
To follow the rabbit holes, unfurling further mysteries. That is our quest.
32 Seconds
1. current Folks Press weekly consisting of short anecdotes.
Alchemist: Recipies for 21st Century Ailments, The
1. recipes from the guru of modern living; first published 5/2015.
Ancient Portland
1. Interview Project with Ancient Portland, eminent Portland historian; first published 1/2012. (See Bartek; Becker, Rudolph)
Animated Nature Animated Man
1. photographic-essay featuring the works of Bartek, an enigmatic animator; first published 11/2012. (See Bartek; Becker, Rudolph)
Appointment Only
1. catching up with Eric Sabatino: what's new and what works; first published 7/2013. (See Sabatino, Eric; Moped, Moped)
Arkansa Fairytale
1. the tall tales of one Al Bradford; first published 7/2013. (See Bradford, Al; Aunt-i-Dote, The)
Aunt-i-Dote, The
1. feature story about the costumer and puppeteer of Mr. B's Puppet Theatre; first published 10/2013. (See Arkansas Fairytale; Bradford, Alva; Bradford, Al)
Banking On The Busker
1. a street musician's day at the office. Save the hippies! First published 7/2013.
bink-bink girl \'biŋk\
1. a female, usually young, walking in public with a large cell phone in her open palm. Often accompanied by a short skirt and high heels that promote a staccato-like gait and make a sound of “bink bink bink” when walking.
Ex: After Trish's bachelorette party, it was like a total bink-bink fest, parading down Burnside.
blöckenstöcks \'blök-en-stök\
1. An alarming architectural trend in the early 2000s in which massive, sun-blocking buildings--a bleak stylistic marriage between Soviet-era barracks and an Ikea bookshelf--are thrown up in otherwise quiet, residential neighborhoods. (See blöckenstöck block)
Ex: "Hey, did you wait in line at that new pork bistro Cobbler?" "The one in the new Blöckenstöcks on Southeast Division? Dude, I looked for it for hours, but couldn't tell one Blöckenstöck from the other, so I went to Crumble instead"
blöckenstöck block \'blök-en-stök\
1. a Blöckenstöck smothering an entire block or greater. Also, any long series of Blöckenstöcks. (See blöckenstöck)
Ex: "Wow, can you believe that the size of that Blöckenstöck Block? It's like a tsunami of ugly.
1. quasi-absurdist photo-essay; first published 2/2013.
Bridges Burned
1. feature story about a personal encounter with gentrification and the changing faces of Portland; first published 11/2012. (See Gaddis, Dawnyell)
B-Roll of the world in motion. 2. the best of B-Roll; first published 7/2014.
Courtney and Kazue of Vony and Kazz
1. Interview Project with Courtney Von Drehle, Kazue Suzuki, and host Leo Daedalus; first published 12/20123. (See Von Drehle, Courtney; Suzuki, Kazue; Daedalus, Leo)
Dark Roast
1. feature story about coffee art, the artist who paints with cold roast, and the world he's driven to illustrate; first published 3/2013. (See Ray Johnson)
dawg call \'däg\
1. to hold out your phone at arm’s length and swear or yell into it. Thereby, preventing the person on the other end from responding, and forcing them to take the abuse.
Deep Now, The: Parts 1, 2, 3
1. tipych detailing a couple's encounters with man and nature in Eastern Oregon.
Doug Kenck-Crispin of Kick Ass Oregon History
1. Interview Project featuring Doung Kenck-Crispin and host Leo-Dedalus; first published 7/2013. (See Kenck-Crispin, Doug; Daedalus, Leo)
1. a candid discussion about blipsters, blerds, and what Portland needs; first published 10/2013. (See Alexander, Sam)
Ebony Makes the Man
1. exhibition of paintings by Jeremy Davis; first published 12/2012. (See Davis, Jeremy Okai)
Eulogy for a Bridge Jumper
1. stills-video about a brief but not forgotten relationship; first published 7/2013.
Father, The
1.Interview project with "The Father"; first published 2/2013. (See The Father)
Father Figure
1. feature story about one woman's excavation of the illustrated record of one man's life. Her father's; first published 3/2013. (See Etheredge, Hailey; Jason)
Featured Attractions
1. photo-essay about the lawns of Portland; first published 5/2013.
Featured Attractions 2
1. more of Portland's finest in yard sculpting; first published 7/2013.
Featured Attractions 3
1. even more Portland wackiness; first published 10/2013.
Featured Attractions 4
1. the beauty of difficulty; first published 1/2014.
Flip In Seuss Land
1. exhibition of word and illustration by Jordan Dormat; first published 12/2012. (See Dormot, Jordan)
game of scones \'skōn\
1. synonymous with the popular British series Downton Abbey. 2. any costume drama, usually of the polite British variety, in which a battle over the laws of inheritance figures prominently in the plot.
Ex: OMG, last night when Dame Agatha glared at Lord Cedric over the whist table about whether Miss Lucy would inherit Suckling Park, that was sooooo Game of Scones!
Gone Commercial
1. a walk through the gaudy world of nocturnal Christmas decor; first published 1/2012.
Ha Ha
1. sketch and essay by Jason Traeger about stand-up comedy and the crowds it attracts; first published 2/2013. (See Jason Traeger)
Hang It All
1. feature story about Harvey Golden's ksyak adventures; first published 3/2013. (See Harvey Golden)
hungry man on a tall bike
1. "Like a hungry man on a tall bike." An expression. Finding oneself in a tough situation, wherein what you immediately need is difficult to accomplish.
Ex: "Dude, how was your first date with that girl." "Oh, man, like a hungry man on a tall bike: she's moving away. Bummer."
I'm Into Scenes Man
1. feature story and paintings by Susan Sage; first published 5/2013. (See Sage, Susan)
In 3
1. Folks Press weekly featuring investigative reporter Colin Green. 2. photo-essay collecting the best of the In 3 news reels; first published 7/2014.
1. feature story about roads traveled. This piece became the inspiration for the later series of the same name; first published 1/2014.
2. Folks Press serial concerning the hustle and bustle wherever people cross paths. (See Same Blue Dress, The)
jolly decibel \'de-s∃- ˌbel, -b∃l\
1. a sudden, even violent, uptick in the volume of happy voices in a public place.
Ex: "I can't hear you over the jolly decibel."
1. Folks Press's resident animated columnist. Lester can be found reporting in Opposite Day; first seen 11/2012.
Make poetry Your Life
1. a Folks Press Interview Project with Christopher Luna, Clark County Poet Laureate; first published 5/2014. (See Luna, Christopher)
Michael heald: Taken To Task
1. interview project featuring the founder of Perfect Day Publishing; first published 3/2013. (See Heald, Michael)
Missing Mayor, The
1. magazine article featuring a brish with the "Mayor of Portland," a portland based homeless man who has disappeared; first published 12/2012.
Momentary Zeitgeist
1. an era spent moment after moment in a drawer; first published 12/2013.
Moped! Moped!
1. feature article about one man breeding a classic automotive lifestyle; first published 11/2012. (See Sabatino, Eric; Appointment Only)
My Brilliant Career: A Few Ideas
1. fantasy employment; first published 5/2014.
Mystery Flight
1. feature story concerning vino and drinking culture; first published 2/2013. (See Schuster, Corey)
Mystery Train
1. feature story about a rather small undergroud railroad and the men who built it; first published 5/2013. (See Mount Hood Model Engineers)
muse attack \myooz\
1. the terrible, beautiful surge of creative inspiration, good ideas, and general brilliance bestowed upon a person—often in a most inconvenient place, sometimes over a duration of time. Generally accompanied by a sense of urgency and need to capture the ideas before they disappear, or before more new inspiration overwhelms the last.
Ex: "She was riding her bike in the pouring rain up a steep hill and was already late to meet her date, but she kept having to stop and scrounge around her purse for receipts and tiny scraps of paper to write down ideas for her novel. The rain caused her pen to write poorly and her paper to tear, and still the ideas from this muse attack caused her novel to become a bestseller."
Noah's Wanderlust - The Beginning
1. the first installment of the Folks Press Interview Project with Portland creative scene staple Noah Mickens and host Leo Daedalus; first published 3/2014. (See Mickens, Noah; Deadalus, Leo; Exodus To Portland)
Noah Mickens 2 - Exodus To Portland!
1. the second installment of the Folks Press Interview Project with Noah Mickens and host Leo Daedalus; first published 3/2014. (See Mickens, Noah; Deadalus, Leo; Noah's Wanderlust - The Beginning)
Okay Love (and Art)
1. exhibition of illustrations depicting the human addiction to life; first published 11/2012. (See Merhan)
Opposite Day
1. Folks Press serial starring Lester, out animated columnist.
Please Call
1. Folks Press weekly investigating the lost pet poster; published weekly. 2. feature story about why the sinister nature of telephone pole signage; first published 7/2014.
Postmodern Matriarch, A
1. feature story in Folks Press Magazine about the unofficial boss of the Falcan Arts apartment; first published 12/2012. 2. well-aged, no-nonsense, eminently formidable take on an age-old station(See Peaden, Martha)
Proud Owner
1. Folks Press weekly that's all showing off the car that isn't yours. 2. the best of proud owner, circa 2013; first published 7/2014.
quipper \'kwip\
1. a person who regularly finds words or expressions in the English language insufficient to express his or her thoughts and, thus, coins new ones.
Ex: "I was walking by this group of binks talking at a jolly decibel about the latest Game of Scones in front a Blockenstok, when I had a total Muse Attack and had to write a song about it right there on the pavement!" "Wow, you are such a Quipper. You are worse than Shakespeare."
Radio Target
1. feature story about an inventor and his roots in pirate radio; first published 11/2012. (See Santi; Relocating The Signal)
Relating to the Spineless
1. Candace Fallon and her invertibrates; they're everywhere. First published 12/2013. (See Fallon, Candace)
Relocating the Signal
1. catching up with Santi and his family; first published 10/2013. (See Santi; Radio Target)
Reports From The Familiar Fantastic
1. Folks Press serial investigating the worlds we walk past but never truly see. (See City Above; Sky Tsunami)
Rollin' With Roller
1. feature story about one man's business selling happiness; first published 12/2012. (See Corbet, Todd)
Sea Change, Rich and Strange Part 1, 2
1. a two-part exploration of the Oregon coast's culture and personality; part one first published 6/2013, part two first published 7/2013.
Shadowing Phinney Ridge
1. photo-film and poem tribute to Phinney Ridge, the locale and fauna; first published 10/2013.
There is an Era After Every War
1. article from the first issue about one man and his life since the Vietnam War; first published 11/2012. (See Daniel)
They Walk Among Us
1. cover article about the now defunct Safari Club, a taxidermy themed bar, and our relationship to animals; first published 1/2013.
Toilet Tales: Pissing it All Away, Digital John, Perfume and pee
1. mundane adventures in the watercloset.
truck anomaly \ə-'nä-mə-lē\
1. A large pickup truck, such as Ford F series, in which something incongruous accompanies it. Typically, bumper stickers that read "Coexist," "Save Gas: Ride a motorcycle." Or it might be incongruous music being played, like opera, etc…
Ex: I totally saw a truck anomaly the other day! This bro was blasting Mozart and his "other car was a broom". What what?
Under The Auspices of Birds
1. cover feature about a flock of bird watchers and the swifts' dusk antics; first published 12/2013. (See Vaux's Swift)
Ups and Downs
1. experiencing Union Way's vintage elevator; first published 3/2014.
Vaux's Swift
1. Chaetura vauxi, a small species of swift found in flocks of 30 or more individuals (See Under The Auspices of Birds )
Xerces Society, The
1. nonprofit orginization dedicated to the worldwide preservation of invertibrates (See Relating To The Spineless )